P.E. is taught twice weekly throughout school. At St Catherine's we follow the Lancashire P.E. Passport scheme of work. P.E. is a fundamental part of the curriculum. P.E. is supported by a range of sporting clubs, which take place both after school and during the school day and access to a range of sporting events, competitions and experiences for all children in school, through the use of the P.E. premium money.
Modern Foreign Languages
At St Catherine's, children in Key Stage 2 are taught French. At St Catherine's we follow the Rachel Hawkes scheme of work and French is taught by Mrs Crowe, who her self is fluent in French. Children will learn about the culture of France as well as where else in the world French is spoken. As the quality of the children's French develops, they will begin to translate well known stories into French and perform these for their parents. Children learn the spoke language, primarily through high quality speaking and listening in lessons and singing. By the end of KS2, children are expected to be able to converse in French and write.
Music is taught through out EYFS, KS1 and KS2. At the heart of any music curriculum is singing. The children are taught to sing in whole as whole key stages and through the school choir. The singing as a group offers further opportunities for the children to develop tone and harmony in their singing. This builds upon the music curriculum which is taught in each class. All children are taught by an expert in music (degree level or higher). In KS1 the children follow the Charanga scheme of work and develop their sense of pulse and rhythm. In KS2 the children further develop their knowledge and skills in music through percussion (djembe drums, glockenspiel and xylophone ) which is used as the vehicle to teach the curriculum throughout KS2. This choice has been made to allow the children to build upon skills taught in each year group rather than having to learn new skills to play a new instrument which can lead to a 'stop start' curriculum.