St Catherine's Catholic Primary School Governing Body
Headteacher - Mr S Lawman
Foundation Governors:
Mrs M Brown - Term of office ends 28.02.2026
Mrs E McNamara - Term of office end 30.04.2025
Mrs T Smith - Term of office end 28.02.2026
Mrs M Tattum - Term of office end 15.05.2028
LEA Governor - Mr N Hollinghurst - Term of office ends 10.07.2027
Parent Governor - Mrs M Oakes - Term of office ends 15.11.2024
Parent Governor - Mrs C Kiernan - Term of office ends 20.12.2027
Staff Governor - Mr S Holden - Term of office ends 07.12.2026
Structure of the Governing Body
The Committees of Governors that we use at the school are as follows:
Finance and Staffing Committee
Mr S Lawman (headteacher)
Mrs M Brown (Chair)
Mrs E McNamara
Mrs T Smith
Mr N Hollinghurst
Premises / Health & Safety Committee
Mr S Lawman (headteacher)
Curriculum Committee
Mr S Lawman (headteacher)
Mrs M Oakes
Mrs T Smith
Mrs E McNamara
Mr S Holden
Appraisals Committee
Mr S Lawman (headteacher)
Mrs T Smith
Admission Committee
Mr S Lawman (headteacher)
Mr S Holden
Grievance & Complaints Committee
Mrs M Brown
Mrs T Smith
Pay Committee
Mrs M Brown
Mrs E McNamara
Pupil Voice Committee
Role of Governing Body
School governors are people, from all walks of life, who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They are one of the largest volunteer groups in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing body is key to the effectiveness of a school.
Its key functions are to:
Effective governors do not need educational expertise but do need to be committed to their school. They also need to be able to work as an enthusiastic member of the governing body team. The Headteacher works closely with the governing body as its principal professional advisor. Governing body policy decisions are then implemented by the headteacher in the day-to-day running of the school.
Governors meet a number of times each term and also take part in regular training events to ensure their skills are up-to-date. Examples of training and courses recently undertaken by our school governors include:
Lancashire Association of School Governing Bodies Annual Conference.
There are different categories of governor, and the method of appointment or election depends on the category. These are: