Dear Parent / Carer,
Please read the letter attached from Mrs Noblet.
If you need a keyworker place or your child falls under the vulnerable child category please open the link below and fill out the questionnaire (the government keyworker and vulnerable child guidance is included in Mrs Noblet's letter).
Please do not arrive at school tomorrow without filling out the questionnaire 1st.
If filling out the form for a child in the vulnerable category please write N/A in required fields that do not apply.
Dear Parents/Carers,
After the Government announcement this evening, it was declared that schools are to remain open for the children of key workers and vulnerable children from Tuesday 5thJanuary. As a staff we are extremely saddened that this has had to happen as we care deeply about all of your children and you as families. However we do understand the need for this to happen at such an unprecedented and uncertain time. While we know that this may cause difficulties for many of our families, we want to assure you that we will do our best to maintain good communication with all of you and to keep in regular contact. We feel that this is exceedingly important for all of our children and families, and for us as staff.
The expectations from the Government and the Department of Education during the period of school closure, is that learning will continue at home via our Class Dojo and our School website class page. As we do not want our children to miss any education, please can your child complete the work set by their class teachers. Work can be submitted through Class Dojo.
For additional information on key worker children, please follow the link for clarification on those pupils who are deemed vulnerable or information on critical workers: maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities- on-maintaining-educational-provision#vulnerable-children-and-young-people
Notifying School of Attendance
If your child/ren will be attending school from Tuesday 5th January, please ensure that you have completed the online questionnaire as soon as possible.
As continues to be the case, no-one should attend education or childcare if they have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) or are self-isolating due to symptoms in their
Monday 4th January 2021
household. It is essential that you notify school as soon as possible if your child/ren will not be attending, when we are expecting them to.
Arrangements for the Start and End of Day
All drop-off and pick up arrangements from September 2020 will continue to be in place. For example, drop off times will be from 8:40am- 8:55am. We would kindly ask that you continue to adhere to the staggered timings, as this will support social distancing. Please do not arrive on the playground before 8:40am. Collection times will be 3:05pm for EYFS and KS1 children, 3:15pm for KS2 children.
Remote learning will be following the same curriculum that the children will be undertaking if they were in school. Daily learning will be provided via Class Dojo and on our School website. If you have any difficulties regarding remote learning, please do not hesitate to contact us or your child’s class teacher via Class Dojo. We willendeavour to provide you with the relevant support as soon as possible.
I do appreciate that this remains a worrying time for all within our school community and I, once again, thank you all for your ongoing support. I sincerely hope that you all stay safe and well during these difficult times. We look forward to the time when the children are back in school and life can return to some normality for us all.
Kind regards, Mrs S Noblet