We would like to take this opportunity as your school nursing team to offer our support to you and your pupils during the current Coronavirus pandemic. I am sure many of you will have already been in touch with us in regard to vulnerable families and safeguarding concerns. As ever please follow your local safeguarding policy and report any safeguarding concerns to Lancashire Children’s Social Care.
We would be grateful if you could inform us which families are attending school so we can ensure appropriate support is available to them. We will then be in regular contact with you to see if we can offer any support to the children and young people. Attached is our request for service form; please complete this to ensure consent has been gained for sharing of information. Please return completed forms to vcl.019.singlepointofaccess@nhs.net
We would like to ensure all families have access to our service during this pandemic so please direct families to us if you feel they would benefit from our input. We would be happy for our details to be added to your school website and newsletters so parents have access to our contact details.
Parents can still contact the school nursing team via telephone for advice and support. Our contact number is 0300 247 0040 (option 1) and they should ask to speak to the South Ribble School Nursing Team. We will either speak to them then if we are available or we will call them back.
We are also still supporting young people aged 11-19 years via our confidential, anonymous text messaging service called Chat Health – 07507330510. This is available Monday to Friday between the hours of 9-5pm.
Parents can also access our website for further information:
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you feel we can help.
Kind regards,
South Ribble School Nursing Team
Lancashire Healthy Young People and Families Service
Virgin Care Limited
0300 247 0040
w: virgincare.co.uk
twitter: @VirginCare
facebook: Virgin Care